Game Day Philisophy
Every player gets 75% playing time in each game unless they are not feeling well or suffer an injury keeping them from finishing out the game. The games will be broken into 'quarters' and each player will only sit out one quarter in each game. In many cases your child will play the entire game, giving them more time on the field. We also have players fill in on other teams when necessary, in addition to their own game. When Academy players are sick or can not make their game for any reason your team does not have to suffer. We will find another player in the Academy who can fill in for the missing player. This allows us to keep from placing to many players on a team and prevents teams from ever playing short. We will only ask players from a different group to fill in. This is usually a good opportunity for us to give a player in a lower group a chance to play 'up' for a weekend. All games are coached by Academy coaches. We do keep scores and standings to work with the players on sportsmanship and competition. We do not give special awards though. We want to involve winning and loosing and teach the players how to handle both wining and losing, but don't want that to become their focus. We still want them to play to have fun. Lets face it, they all keep score anyway. If we do too, we can help them learn sportsmanship on both sides of a score line.